Ocular Disease

Glaucoma Treatment and Management


Glaucoma is a disease in which progressive damage of the optic nerve takes place, leading to vision loss. The exact cause of glaucoma is unknown; however it is known to be related to eye pressure. Although glaucoma cannot be cured, if caught early, it can be controlled with medications or surgical procedures to reduce eye pressure. Our doctors are licensed to diagnose and treat glaucoma with medications. If it is determined that your pressure cannot be adequately controlled with medications or if a surgical procedure is necessary, they can refer to a glaucoma specialist for further evaluation and treatment.

Macular Degeneration Management


Macular degeneration is a disease of the area of the retina called the macula. This is where detailed, central vision is processed. It is the leading cause of blindness in America (AOA). There are two forms of macular degeneration, wet and dry. The dry form is the most common; however the wet form (bleeding) is the most devastating to your vision. Our doctors can determine during your annual exam whether you are at risk or show signs of this disease. If you are diagnosed with macular degeneration, they can help you monitor your vision for changes and make recommendations to help preserve your vision. If a referral to a retinal specialist is indicated, they can coordinate that referral for you.

Diabetic Retinopathy Management


Our doctors can provide your annual dilated eye exam for diabetes. They will also communicate their findings with your doctor so that you may have the best opportunity to manage your diabetes properly. If it is determined that diabetic retinopathy is present, it may be necessary to refer you to a retinal specialist for further evaluation and treatment.

Dry Eye Treatment and Management

Dry eye (keratoconjunctivitis sicca) is a common and often chronic problem. Symptoms of burning, grittiness, blurred vision, and excessive watering can all be indicative of dry eye. Dry eye occurs when there are insufficient tears being produced or the tears are of poor quality. People who are more likely to experience dry eye are those over 65 and female. Other causes can include certain medical conditions, medications, environment, contact lens wear, and computer use. Our doctors can help find ways to relieve your dry eye and address the underlying problem.