Contact Lenses

Harmony EyeCare provides exceptional professional contact lens services. If you are interested in contact lenses or currently wear contact lenses, our doctors can discuss your options with you. Our recommendations are individually tailored to each patient and are based on many factors including your glasses prescription, visual needs, overall health and eye health.

What is a contact lens evaluation?

A contact lens evaluation is a separate part of a comprehensive eye examination and requires additional testing. Patients wearing contact lenses require more of the doctor’s time and expertise.

In order to prescribe contact lenses, the doctor must:

  1. Evaluate the health of the eye paying close attention to the cornea, eyelids and conjunctiva and how contact lens wear will affect the health of the eye.
  2. Determine the proper contact lens prescription based on each individual patient’s glasses prescription, vision needs, corneal health, and corneal curvature.
  3. Examine the contact lens on the eye to ensure proper alignment with the cornea and lids.
  4. Measure the vision with the contact lenses on the eye and make adjustments as indicated.

Contact lens examinations and fittings have different levels of difficulty which depend on the types of contact lenses needed, the visual requirements of the patient, and the health of the patient’s eyes.

What is a contact lens prescription?

Contact lenses are medical devices that can only be dispensed by a prescription. Contact lenses must be regarded with the same caution you would use for prescription drugs, which include prescription expiration dates and follow-up visits with the doctor. Your contact lens prescription will include the power of your contact lenses, the type of contact lenses you wear, the curvature of the contact lenses, and any other information determined by the doctor to be necessary for a proper contact lens fit.

Contact lens prescriptions expire after one year (or sooner if the doctor determines a medical reason for a shorter expiration date). The laws and regulations concerning contact lens prescriptions are governed by the FDA.


Our doctors enjoy fitting patients new to contact lens wear of any age, and “hard to fit” patients. They fit disposable lenses, frequent replacement lenses, toric lenses for astigmatism, multifocal lenses for patients needing a bifocal, extended-wear lenses, gas-permeable lenses, and post-surgical lenses.